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2024 Sales Tax Holidays

Aaron Giles • January 29, 2024

Sales tax holidays give shoppers a break from paying tax on purchases. Many states offer sales tax holidays to boost consumerism and help their local economies. In some cases, sales tax holidays are held on multiple dates throughout the year. They may be inclusive, meaning all items are included in the tax-free shopping, or they may be selective, in which case only certain things are part of the sales tax holiday.

What is a Sales Tax Holiday?

women looking up when the sale tax holiday is for her state in 2024

A sales tax holiday is a period of time when consumers don’t have to pay sales tax on qualifying purchases. Sales tax holidays typically run over a weekend, since that’s when most people have more free time to shop. However, some states run sales tax holidays for longer periods of time, ranging from one week to an entire month.

Do All States Have Sales Tax Holidays?

Not all states have sales tax holidays. States that do not have sales tax have no need for sales tax holidays. Some states offer local tax holidays in lieu of a sales tax holiday. In addition, some sales tax holidays are chartered into a state’s regulations. Others are at the discretion of government officials on a year-to-year basis.

When Are Sales Tax Holidays or Tax-Free Weekends?

Sales tax holidays and tax-free weekends typically take place when they have the most benefit for the consumer. For instance, sales tax holidays on school supplies usually take place in July or August, before the schools begin their sessions. Sales tax holidays on weather preparedness items like furnaces and other appliances usually take place in the fall, before the winter season. Each state is in charge of planning when their sales tax holidays are to take place each year.

What Products Are Included in a Sales Tax Holiday?

Sales tax holidays vary from state to state. Typical products included in a sales tax holiday are storm protection products like windows and doors, furnaces and water heaters, school supplies, clothing, and computers.

2024 Sales Tax Holidays by State

Note that sales tax holidays are typically available to everyone, not just residents of that particular state. If you wonder if this is true where you want to shop on a sales tax holiday, a quick call to a retailer in the area will answer the question.

Jump to the states that interest you:

 Alabama | Arkansas | Connecticut | Florida | Iowa | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mississippi | Missouri | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico | Ohio | Oklahoma | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | West Virginia


Alabama tax-free weekends apply to state sales tax. Local jurisdictions can opt to participate or not, so it’s important to check first whether or not your municipality is participating. Both sales tax holidays begin at 12:01 a.m. and end at midnight on the dates indicated.

Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, February 23-25, 2024

A full list of covered items can be found here, which includes:

  • Portable generators with a sales price of $1,000 or less
  • Severe weather supplies (batteries, tarps, etc.) with a sales price of $60 or less

Back To School Sales Tax Holiday, July 19-21, 2024

A full list of covered items can be found here, which includes:

  • Books with a sales price of $30 or less
  • Clothing with a sales price of $100 or less
  • Computers, computer software, and school computer supplies with a sales price of $750 or less
  • School supplies with a sales price of $50 or less


All retailers are required to participate in the 2024 sales tax holiday, which applies to both state and local taxes. Retailers are not permitted to charge tax on qualifying items during the Arkansas tax-free weekend, which begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first Saturday of August and ends at 11:59 p.m. the following Sunday.

Arkansas 2024 sales tax holiday, August 3–4, 2024

  • Clothing with a sales price of less than $100
  • Clothing accessories and equipment (including wigs and hair pieces) with a sales price of less than $50
  • Electronic devices (no price limitations)
  • School supplies (no price limitations)


Connecticut has an entire sales tax-free week on certain items, which applies to state sales tax only, since Connecticut has no local tax.

August 18–24, 2024

  • Certain clothing and footwear priced less than $100


Florida sales tax exemption period on Energy Star appliances, July 1, 2022–June 30, 2024

  • Clothes dryers with a price of $1,500 or less
  • Refrigerators or refrigerator/freezers with a price of $3,000 or less
  • Washing machines with a price of $1,500 or less
  • Water heaters with a price of $1,500 or less

Florida sales tax exemption period on impact-resistant windows, doors, and garage doors, July 1, 2022–June 30, 2024

  • Doors, garage doors, or windows must carry an impact-resistant rating
  • Florida sales tax exemption period on gas ranges and cooktops, July 1, 2024–June 30, 2024
  • gas ranges or cooktops fueled by combustible gas, excluding outdoor grills, camping stoves, and other portable stoves

Florida sales tax exemption period on school supplies, January 1, 2024–January 14, 2024

  • school supplies with a price of $50 or less
  • clothing with a price of $100 or less
  • Computers with a price of $1,500 or less


All retailers with regular operating hours on these dates are required to participate. The tax-free period begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday of August and ends the next day at midnight. Applies to both state and local sales tax.

Iowa annual sales tax holiday for select clothing and footwear, August 2–3, 2024

  • Clothing and footwear priced under $100, with the exception of watches, watchbands, jewelry, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, sporting equipment, skis, swim fins, roller blades, skates, and any special clothing or footwear designed primarily for athletic activity or protective use and not usually considered appropriate for everyday wear.


Starting from midnight on the second Sunday in August until the end of the following Saturday, clothes and shoes that cost $100 or less won't have Maryland's six percent sales tax. The first $40 of sales for backpacks or books is also exempt.

This exemption applies to each item that's $100 or less, even if you buy more than one at the same time. For example, if you get two shirts for $80 each, both shirts are exempt from tax, even though the total is more than $100 ($160).

The tax holiday doesn't cover:

  • Accessories, even if they cost $100 or less.
  • The first $100 of a pricier single item or set (like a suit) of clothing or footwear. For instance, if someone purchases pants for $110, the sales tax applies to the full $110.
  • Special clothing or footwear mainly designed for protection or not meant for everyday use.
  • Taxable services related to clothing or footwear, like alterations.


The Massachusetts state sales tax holiday for 2024 has not yet been announced. However, according to state regulations, the dates for the Massachusetts sales tax holiday weekend must be set each year no later than July 1. Historically, the dates fall around the middle of August. All businesses, including those who sell online, are mandated to participate in Massachusetts’ tax-free weekend.

August, 2024

  • Single items of tangible personal property priced at $2,500 or less


Mississippi holds an annual sales tax holiday towards the end of July. Participation isn’t mandatory, so local sales tax may still apply, depending upon the retailer. Tax-free weekends in Mississippi start at 12:01 a.m. and end at midnight.

  • Clothing and footwear priced less than $100
  • Certain school supplies priced less than $100

Mississippi Second Amendment sales tax holiday, to be held at the end of August 2024 applies to both state and local sales tax.

  • Ammunition, firearms, and certain hunting supplies (with no price restriction)


Both tax-free periods begin at 12:01 a.m. and end at midnight. Participation isn’t mandatory, so local sales tax may still apply, depending upon the retailer.

Missouri Show Me Green sales tax holiday, April 19–25, 2024

  • Energy Star products with a price of $1,500 or less

Missouri back-to-school sales tax holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Clothing priced at $100 or less
  • Personal computers and peripheral devices with a price tag of $1,500 or less
  • Software priced at $350 or less
  • Graphing calculators with a price tag of $150 or less
  • School supplies priced at $50 or less


Nevada Day sales tax holiday, October 25–27, 2024

This unique sales tax holiday exclusively benefits eligible individuals affiliated with the Nevada National Guard and their qualified dependents. Those wishing to benefit from the temporary sales and use tax exemption must annually submit an application through their Commanding Officer, with the deadline set at least 30 days before Nevada Day. Eligible applicants will receive a letter of exemption from the Nevada Department of Taxation. Retailers completing exempt sales to qualifying National Guard members or their dependents are required to acquire and keep a copy of the consumer's exemption letter.

  • Tangible personal property sold to a member of the Nevada National Guard who is on active duty and a resident of Nevada, or to their qualifying dependents

New Jersey

New Jersey annual back-to-school sales tax holiday, August 25–September 2, 2024, between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on those dates. Items to be included are:

  • Computers with a price tag of less than $3,000
  • Computers and supplies less than $1,000
  • School art supplies with no price restrictions
  • School instructional materials with no price restrictions
  • School supplies with no price restrictions
  • Sports or recreational equipment with no price restrictions

New Mexico

The annual gross receipts tax holiday is the first weekend of August from 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday to midnight the following Sunday. Note that retailers aren’t required to participate in the back-to-school tax holiday.

New Mexico back to school tax-free holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Bookbags, backpacks, maps, and globes priced below $100
  • Clothing, footwear, and accessories less than $100
  • Computers and devices up to $1,000
  • Computer peripherals priced up to $500
  • Handheld calculators less than $200
  • School supplies less than $30


The tax-free period begins at 12:00 a.m. on the date and concludes at 11:59 p.m. Items used in a trade or business are not exempt during the tax-free weekend. Eligible items are exempt from state sales tax as well as county and transit sales taxes. Participation is mandatory and applies to both state and local taxes.

Ohio sales tax holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Clothing at $75 or less
  • School instructional materials at $20 or below
  • School supplies at $20 or less


Retailer participation is mandatory. Applies to both state and local sales taxes.

Oklahoma sales tax holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Clothing and footwear priced lower than $100

South Carolina

South Carolina’s tax-free weekend begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday in August and runs to midnight on the following Sunday. Retailer participation is mandatory. Applies to both state and local sales taxes. No price restrictions on eligible goods.

South Carolina sales tax holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Certain bed and bath items
  • Clothing and footwear
  • Computers, printers and printer supplies, and software (excludes cell phones, smartphones, or other handheld devices that make phone calls or are primarily used to listen to music, watch videos, or read books)
  • School supplies


The annual sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on the last Friday in July and concludes at 11:59 p.m. the following Sunday. Applies to state and local sales tax. Participation is mandatory

Tennessee sales tax holiday, July 26–28, 2024

  • Clothing and footwear priced at $100 or less
  • Computers, laptops, and tablets priced at $1,500 or less
  • School and art supplies with a price tag of $100 or less

Tennessee grocery tax holiday, August 1, 2024–October 31, 2024

  • Food and food ingredients

Note that sales of alcoholic beverages, candy, dietary supplements, and prepared food do not qualify for the sales tax exemption.


These Texas tax holidays apply to state and local sales tax and retail participation is mandatory. Texas tax-free weekends begin at 12:01 a.m. and conclude at midnight.

Texas emergency preparation supplies sales tax holiday, April 27–29, 2024

  • Hurricane shutters and emergency ladders less than $300
  • Portable generators less than $3,000
  • Specified emergency preparation supplies less than $75

Texas Energy Star sales tax holiday, May 25–27, 2024

  • Energy Star air conditioners priced at $6,000 or less
  • Energy Star refrigerators priced at $2,000 or less
  • Specified Energy Star products, no price restriction

Texas water-efficient products sales tax holiday, May 25–27, 2024

  • Any WaterSense-labeled product may be purchased (for business or personal use) tax-free during the sales tax holiday
  • Certain water-conserving products (for residential use only) may be purchased tax-free
  • No price restrictions

Texas annual sales tax holiday, August 9–11, 2024

  • Clothing and footwear priced less than $100 (including cloth and disposable fabric face masks)
  • Specified school supplies and school backpacks priced at less than $100 per item


Virginia sales tax holiday (three-in-one sales tax holiday), August 2-4, 2024. Applies to both state and local sales tax.

  • Clothing and footwear at $100 or less
  • Energy Star and WaterSense products priced at $2,500 or less
  • Gas-powered chain saws at $350 or less
  • Portable generators at $1,000 or less
  • School supplies that cost $20 or less
  • Certain hurricane and emergency preparedness supplies are priced $60 or less

West Virginia

Applies to state and local sales and use tax. Retailer participation is mandatory.

West Virginia state sales tax holiday, August 2–4, 2024

  • Clothing and footwear with a price tag of $125 or less
  • Computers priced at $500 or less
  • School instructional materials that cost $20 or less
  • School supplies at $50 or less
  • Sports equipment with a price tag of $150 or less

Ensure Compliance with 2024 Sales Tax Holidays - Talk to Our Experts Today

For businesses, staying compliant during 2024 sales tax holidays can be complicated, especially with varying state regulations and product-specific exemptions. At Agile Consulting Group, we specialize in helping companies navigate these complexities to avoid penalties and missed opportunities.

Whether you're a retailer preparing for back-to-school tax holidays, or a business looking to capitalize on energy-efficient product exemptions, our team of tax professionals can guide you through every step. We offer tailored solutions to help you manage compliance across multiple states, ensuring you stay up-to-date with changing regulations.

Reach out to Agile Consulting Group today for expert advice on 2024 sales tax holidays. Let us help you protect your business and maximize your savings. Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can assist with your tax compliance strategy.

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